Thursday, March 11, 2010

Day 6: Suspicions and Theories and Whining

My breathing has been really tough today. My chest has been tight all day and I constantly feel like I have to yawn to get the breath I want, and then 20 seconds later I have to do it again. I'm becoming increasingly suspicious that either a) I'm not doing this right and not being quite stingent enough with watching what I'm doing, or b) food's not causing it. I tend to think it's a) since I often notice it getting harder to breathe right after I eat. But it's not like my throat swells up--it's that my chest tightens. The roof of my mouth has been itchy off and on, which seems consistent with allergies. As far as I know, I haven't had any gluten, dairy, sulfites, nuts or soy for almost a week, but my approach has been to not eat anything I knew had one of those in it instead of only eating things that I absolutely, positively was 100% sure had none of them in it. Maybe I haven't given it enough time. Maybe there's something I'm still eating that's causing it. Maybe it's something in the air and not in the food at all. A few weeks ago I avoided pretty much everything that could possibly be an allergen (dairy, wheat, soy, nuts, eggs, beans, rice, corn, citrus, along with alcohol and sugar) and within a few days I felt noticeably better. But I don't wanna eat like that again... Pity party, temper tantrum, time to just suck it up and do it better. That's the only way I'll know for sure. Meh.

The corn flake and hemp milk breakfast was great--I hadn't had cereal in forever. I'm more than halfway through the jar of sunflower seed butter since last night. I am not to be trusted.

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